How To Change Your Mindset

How To Change Your Mindset

Start Changing Your Mindset Today
We all have the ability to change our mindset – to change our core inner beliefs upon which we base our view of ourselves and of the world.

But changing our beliefs is not an easy thing to do.

Most people find changing one small belief extremely difficult, let alone a whole range of self-supporting beliefs based on negative pre-conditioning.

What is needed is a tool – a tool for change, that enables us to rapidly install new thought patterns and positive mindsets, based on proven success models.

Your Mindset Can Be Changed
Fortunately, our mindset regarding certain aspects of our lives are malleable and are based on our choice of meaning we give to things.

If we consciously decide to develop a positive mindset, empowered by positive thinking together with an attitude of joyous expectance of only the best, we put ourselves in the correct frame of mind to propel ourself into proper action while anticipating and expecting successful outcomes.

Often when we do this external events and circumstances seem to rush in to assist us with our intended result.

This knowledge is priceless.

The knowledge that our positive mindset can translate into a world of difference regardless of the goal we seek can be the difference that makes the difference.

Three Success Mindset Fundamentals

1. Mindset Self Confidence
If we lack belief in ourself and in our capabilities, our self esteem suffers.

This results not only in a sense of worthlessness but also helplessness and even hopelessness.

This in turn makes us feel inadequate and see everything as pointless.

It is easy to stop trying to achieve because there is simply no point.

We are defeated before we even begin.

That’s why the correct self confident mindset is crucial to all other mindsets we may adopt.

First we must tackle the root.

When we have empowered our SELF with the confidence and belief in our SELF then we will be better able to accomplish the things we are already good at and also to learn how to do the things that at present we cannot.

Accomplishing our goals and objectives becomes much much easier.

We are empowered from the inside out.

And the results we can achieve reinforce our beliefs and boost our self esteem and confidence even more.

It can be a rising balloon spiralling upwards or a viscous circle spiralling downwards – depending on our choice.

2. Mindset Determination & Perseverance
Part of a positive mindset includes the determination and perseverance to overcome failures when they occur.

No one can go through life without failure.

The difference is the reactions and meanings we give to those failures.

If we take a failure as meaning we are wasting our time and react by giving up then often we are not realizing our true potential.

Of course some failures are met to let us know that this is a goal that is unreachable.
More often than not though this is simply wrong.

We just need to try differently.

But knowing the difference is all important.

Part of having a positive mindset is knowing that we will experience failures along the way and that that is normal in life and we should not put undue importance on some failures.

Being able to evaluate correctly what went wrong and why and to see failure in the light of positive thinking and empowerment to perhaps try harder or by tackling the problem in a different way is essential.

It is the acknowledgement that very few things worth having are so easily attained.

A positive mindset is conscious of the fact that one failure is not the end of the story but just one way it didn’t work.

True failure only comes when we stop trying altogether.

3. Mindset & Action
The correct positive mindset leads to proactive positive action.

Even when we are unsure or unable to proceed because of lack of knowledge or skill, a positive mindset allows us to research and acquire those skill sets until we are able to achieve the actions we already know are necessary and important to succeed.

A person’s core inner beliefs and thought patterns are what lead to their feelings of potentiality, action and results.

Simply by changing our mindset it is possible to change not only our outlook in life by also the actual results we obtain in life.

Monitoring Your Self Talk
Often if we pay attention to our thoughts we may find that we are processing a lot of negative self talk.

This knowledge can sometimes be distressing at first and make us feel somewhat powerless over what thoughts are permeating our minds and our lives.

But if we start by taking just a few of those negative thought patterns at a time and begin changing them into positive thoughts, we will feel much happier, stronger and more in control of our lives.

Anyone and everyone can begin using positive statements to create change and improvements in their life.

All it takes is the commitment to start and experience the positive benefits that this technique can deliver.

Once we have committed to change, to monitor our thoughts and to make positive changes to what we allow to flow through our mind, we can begin to focus and target the areas in which we most wish to bring about lasting change.

To start to co-create our world and our universe, internally at first and later externally as well.

Positive self talk or affirmations repeated consistently are the tool that can allow us to focus our mind on what we DO want rather than what we do not want.

We can now focus our mind and energies on creating for the first time.

Instead of allowing our subconscious mind to flounder without a competent leader to direct it, now we can take charge and provide good sensible leadership.

Directing our thoughts to show that WE ARE IN CONTROL and we are the one who is leading.

Leading with authority and with solid direction.

It is often hard for people to imagine and accept that there is a possibility that they are co-creating their life and their world.

Because if we are to accept that then we must accept that we have also co-created all that has happened before.

In the end it is always up to us.

No one can make us make the changes we may need.

It is up to us to examine our negative self talk, to take responsibility for it and ultimately to make the conscious choices that lead to a more positive direction.

Be Willing To Change
These are your thoughts, so YOU can change them.

Although your beliefs most likely formed when you were young, you are an adult today and you have the power to affect change in your life.

This is the essence of personal power: choice and responsibility.

Feed The Mindset You Want
The fastest way to change your mindset is to feed your mind the one you want.

Every time you feed yourself a positive mindset, it weakens the negative ones.

You will be instantly creating new neurons that form a new more positive neural network.

The more you do this the stronger you new neural network will become.

Feeding the positive weakens the negative.

Scientists and perennial wisdom agree with what many successful people have long discovered, that neurons don’t know the difference between whether you are actually doing something different or simply visualizing doing it differently.

Either way, the neural network grows stronger.

Love Your Mindset
Allow yourself to create a passion for your new mindset.

The new mindset you want to create.

Doing this creates endorphins in your body that lead to a new sense of well being.

This in turn leads to a more inspired and emotionally engaged you, having more fun in your life as you enlarge and make stronger your new neural network.

Pick one thing you want to change today.

It can be one attitude, one belief, or one perspective.

Imagine for a moment what you want instead.

Let your imagination run wild for just a moment.

Remember any resistance is just your old neural network playing up as usual.

Use the power of your imagination to vividly picture what you really want.

Mentally rehearse this for just 10 minutes a day strengthening it by adding enthusiasm, inspiration, and fun.

Soon you will be taking small actions that will reinforce your new mindset.