The Word

The Word

“In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And God was the word.” – John 1:1

Perhaps we are the GOD of our words and perhaps we ARE the words we think, speak and act.

We Are What We Think

In fact it is quite possible that what we think defines our notion of reality.

Eskimos have more than 25 words for snow. We have much less. Therefore Eskimos have a greater understanding of the reality of snow than we do.

Think about that.

It is entirely possible that not only do we limit our understanding of reality by our thoughts and words but that we also limit our SELF.

Thoughts are limited by the words we know.

In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And God was the word.

Perhaps we are the GOD of our words and perhaps we ARE the words we think, speak and act.

What we think, what words we use, set our lives in motion to manifest through actions our internal intentions.

That’s why what words you use, what thoughts you have are extemely important.

Every word, every thought you have, has to be chosen with care to cultivate your highest good and benefit your SELF.

Repeating specially chosen words that reflect this internal goal and help us to mirror internally what we wish to manifest externally, is paramount.

Incredible as it seems most people don’t take care of such things and allow the media, gossip mongers, family and friends to dictate their thoughts, their words, their reality.

Perhaps it’s time to make a change. Perhaps it’s time to think for YOUR self.

Perhaps it’s time to start using the power of simple affirmations to take control of your mindset, to take control of your thoughts, words, life and reality.

The word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, originally meaning “to make steady, strengthen.”

And affirmations do exactly that.

Make steady our thoughts, strengthen our resolve to be.

To be happy.

To be alive.

Alive to all the true possibilities that surround us rather than stunted by the thoughts of scarcity, reproach and lack given to us by others.

Take back your life. Take back your words. Take back your THOUGHTS.

There is no scarcity. There is no reproach. There is no lack.

Only I AM.

Verbally affirming our dreams, our desires, our wishful words of what we CAN be, empowers us with the reassurance that thoughts and words can in fact become reality.

This proven method of self improvement which rewires the brain to form new clusters of “positive neurons” actually impacts reality.

Internally as well as externally.

Craft your new future today by influencing the WORLD using the WORD.
